shutter systems

Blind or shutter for the exterior of your house

If you don’t know what will be best for your window. Do not suffer. We tell you all about blinds and shutters to help you decide.

Choosing between blind or shutter is difficult as they are essential elements in a house. They help filter the light from outside so that you are comfortable and at ease at all times. They are also thermal and acoustic insulators since they serve as a barrier against noise and bad temperatures. For all this and more, they are essential.

We know that these types of doubts easily arise when we are doing a house or a reform.

These are small questions that we are asking ourselves and of course, we do not usually have much idea of which will be better in the long term. But don’t worry, nothing happens.

In today’s post we will solve all your doubts and clarify which of them is the best option for you. It is clear that each house is a world, so be careful not to miss any detail.

For starters, blind or shutter

If we have one thing clear, it is that both blinds and shutters are essential. When choosing one or the other, we will have to take into account the climate of our city and the location of our house.

Another detail that can help us decide whether to shutter or shutter is the style of our house. If, for example, we want to give it a retro vintage touch, shutters become a very good option. However, if we want to give a more serious and formal air, the blinds will be the best.

Finally, another factor to take into account is how your house is. It will not be the same to put a shutter on the facade of a building in the middle of the city than in a town house, for example. Here we have to play around with what will aesthetically be better and what will be more comfortable for us.

It is important to value it according to the views we have from our home.

The blinds call us

Most of the houses have shutters. It is perhaps the most common and common window complement. But like everything in life, it also has its drawbacks.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If a point in favor of blinds is that they work as perfect thermal insulators. They considerably reduce the impact of heat and cold on our window. This allows us to save on energy that we invest in the air conditioning of the house. Without a doubt, a great advantage.

The blinds also have the utility of serving as a barrier to our privacy. Apart from having curtains, it is another addition so that no one sees us. In addition, they darken the room completely, important for those who can only sleep in completely dark.

Another good thing about the blinds is that we can regulate the air that enters by raising or lowering them, controlling the space that we want to open facing the outside. It seems silly, but in times of great heat, it helps that the heat does not enter the house directly and there is a little draft.

However, if something bad they have is that they reduce the space of the window. If they are not installed on site and we want to incorporate them, the height of the window will be reduced. A cons, especially for homes that need renovations.

If we do not take care of them as necessary, they can make a lot of noise when lowering and raising them. This on a daily basis can be a bit annoying as blinds are something we use very frequently.

Fashion shutters

Shutters couldn’t be more fashionable. They are back! And no wonder. Not only their design and aesthetics have brought them back to the market with more force. Their functionality makes them a very good option for those who are doubtful between blinds or shutters.


These were the most traditional way to protect yourself from the sun in the hottest seasons and to serve as thermal insulation against inclement weather. In fact, with them you can save up to 30% of energy in air conditioning systems. To this is added that it serves to muffle a lot of noise from the outside.

If they have a clear advantage, it is that they are very easy to combine with the facade of the house. They are installed in a very simple way in the window, integrating very well with the interior. Another plus they have is that they reinforce the window of the house against possible theft. It is the new replacement for bars.

We love how they are on the outside of the house as they give a traditional touch. Above all, in houses that are painted in white tones, they give that point of color! You can innovate a lot. We can see them from red, black, yellow … But, without a doubt, one of our favorites is in blue.

It is a color that now we do not stop seeing in decoration and it adds that touch that we cannot like more. Both options, blind or shutter, are good to install in a house. However, for those who seek to take care of the aesthetics of their facade, shutters are the best option. If, on the other hand, we want greater comfort of use, the blinds will be the best. With which you stay?

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